USL Spokane Partners With Thrive International
Together Spokane - THRIVE International
From surviving to thriving. Thrive International is building a safe space for immigrants and refugees all the way to adults to children.
“We have this common goal of seeing refugees belong in Spokane, befriended. Feel like this is also a home.” said Shannon Price, youth development coordinator for Thrive International.
Hosting a soccer camp is just one example of opportunity to bring communities together. This is especially true for shining a light on the youth.
“It makes me feel really special and part of a good community and it makes it feel like I am wanted and loved.” said Kituza Bigera, 11 year old from South Africa.
Often aiding in the fun is youth development coordinator Jackson Lino. Right before his eyes, Jackson is seeing life come full circle for him.
“I was born in Sudan. I came to the United States in 2000.” said Lino.
Seeing these kiddos all come together was Thrive International’s vision all along.
“Regardless of how small the work may seem, it’s bigger for them. They know they left a place that was very difficult, and they came to a place that is safe and a place where they can be themselves.” said Lino.
It’s even more special the kids recognize it themselves.
“I am hanging out with people who know what it’s like to be a refugee because most people are not. It makes you feel different being a refugee, but it feels nice to hang out with people who are refugees.” said Donat Kahsay, 11 years old from Africa.
For more on Thrive International and how to help visit: thriveint.org. Purchase Thrive International - Together Spokane Season Ticket Deposits here.